Clean Language Spirit 2025 Berlin
Bringing Language and Bodywork Together
Day 1 - Warm up and deepen
Friday, March 21st
10am - 6pm
Welcome and Introduction: Embodying Clean Language
The essential elements of Clean Language (Introductory level)
Clean Language: more than just a list of questions! (Experienced level)
Clean Language as a trauma-sensitive approach (Introductory level)
Clean Language, modern trauma theory and bodywork (Experienced level)
Creative sharing of the day’s experiences, with and without words!
Day 2 - Listen to each other
Saturaday, March 22nd
10am - 6pm
Non-verbal Clean Language: Gestures, sounds, and silence
Challenges and limitations of Clean Language
Guest presenter: Tamsin Hartley on Clean Language in mind/body coaching
Practice Session: Working in pairs or small groups combining Clean Language with your own kind of bodywork
Preparing for Day 3’s session: ‘And how is it when I try something new?’
Day 3 - Meeting the Challenge
Sunday, March 24th
10am - 4pm
Clean Language and Mindfulness
Clean Language in German and dialect
Trying something new with Clean - Demonstration and practising in small groups
Introducing Clean Space: And where would you like to go next with Clean Language and bodywork?
Celebration: Share what you are taking away from CL Spirit Berlin!